Friday, March 7


Link Between Depression and Hormonal Imbalances in Females

Link Between Depression and Hormonal Imbalances in Females

A research survey conducted in 2019 concluded that around 80% of the female population experiences hormonal imbalances, and around 70% are unaware that they may be developing conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis. These are gynaecological conditions, which occur as a result of hormonal imbalances, and they disproportionately affect Black and South Asian females. Such conditions are often under-diagnosed and paid little attention to. Often, they are misunderstood, and the greatest misconception surrounding endometriosis and PCOS is that they are often considered only to be fertility diseases, when in reality, there is so much more to consider. The main topic of discussion is not the physical aspects of such conditions and imbalances, but the psychological ones. Women with PCOS or en...
Taking a step to restore the Ecosystem

Taking a step to restore the Ecosystem

The world is on the brink of evolving into a completely artificial society. While it was once thriving with thousands of ecosystems, our planet faces a drastic decrement in these biological communities due to the many activities undertaken by humankind. Examples of our contributions include the exploitation of several natural habitats to make room for the Earth's overgrowing population, the harvest of natural resources for other purposes and the pressure from agriculture. These activities harm the organisms and their habitats, reducing the carrying capacity for indigenous flora and fauna, which, unfortunately, leads to the extinction of these species and thus brings a slow burn end toward the Earth's natural diversity. As inhabitants of the Earth, it is our resp...


There has been a decades long debate between secularism and Islamic nationalism within Pakistanis, which has bought a lot of controversy recently. Whether it be the Gen Z individuals calling for a total secular social atmosphere all over the country or the patriotic Islamist nationalists re-calling on what basis Pakistan was actually formed, both sides have misinterpreted historical facts to suit their own arguments. There has been a lot of controversy when it comes to Jinnah’s religion. Some sources highlight that he was a Twelver Shi’a, some say he was born to an Ismaili household and lastly, a few say that although he was born to a Shi’a family, he later on converted to Sunni Islam, but all the evidence was presented after his death. So, for the sake of being neutral and not sparkin...
Liverpool vs Manchester City: Greatest Premier League Rivalry Ever?
K-Sports, Uncategorized

Liverpool vs Manchester City: Greatest Premier League Rivalry Ever?

What was once a regional rivalry is now regarded as one of if not the biggest matches of the Premier League era: two of the country's most entertaining, successful and star-studded sides with two of the most tactically astute managers locking horns for domestic and European glory. We are reaching the tail end of the 2021/22 football season, quite astonishingly, Man City and Liverpool are both still in a title race, FA cup semi finals, and the UCL semi finals. Moreover, Liverpool also won the Carabao cup earlier this season. With both on the verge of winning a treble or a quadruple, there needs to be a discussion on the quality of competition they have brought to the Premier league during the last decade. Considering Liverpool's recent success accelerated after the appointment of Jür...
How have means of dissent employed by the Pakistani Left restricted its reach?

How have means of dissent employed by the Pakistani Left restricted its reach?

The rise of western liberalism has left vague reverberations on the largely conservative ‘Land of the Pure’. In recent years, progressive groups bearing the flag of activism and resistance politics have stimulated political organising and consciousness. However, many lament that there is still no solid Left political force in Pakistan. The thought of the Left’s demise gained currency after China’s veering into a market economy, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of religious extremism in Pakistan. Pakistani Left has proved inept to adapt to changing times and clung onto old slogans, condemning everything. The locus of Leftist dissent, carried out primarily through social media, has been on everyday atrocities. This has diluted resources and manpower for concentrated efforts ...
Pakistan’s Export to Italy records 49pc growth

Pakistan’s Export to Italy records 49pc growth

A surplus in the trade balance has been made by sending out improvements and import withdrawal. Envoy Saleem expressed that regardless of the Indian bogus case over Basmati's restrictive Geographical Indication (GI) rights in the EU and Italian business sectors, Pakistan sustained its position as a market pioneer with 37.4pc offer, while India provided just 12pc of all the imported rice in Italy. Italy has the biggest Pakistani diaspora in the EU. In FY21, laborers' settlements from Italy reached $601 million, which is an unsurpassed high figure. It is 66pc higher when contrasted and the yearly figure of FY20 that was $369m. Minister Saleem expected this development streak to proceed in FY22. He said Italy and Pakistan have concurred to work together as a team. Italian firms ...
Underprivileged youth and mental health problems in Pakistan

Underprivileged youth and mental health problems in Pakistan

In Pakistan, an enormous 24.3% of the population lives under the National poverty rate. The youth dominates this sector of the population. And more than often the youth is subjected to poor physical conditions and malnourishment. These problems are prominently campaigned about and people regularly donate charity to aid these people. However, little attention is paid to the psychological problems resulting from the stressors stemming from poverty, which is appalling considering the mental challenges these people face. As per late research, surprising discoveries have been made; for example, the fact that most suicides for this area of the populace are in the age section of 10-20 years, which differs from the rates regularly found in the remainder of the country with most casualties bein...
Recipe for Banana Bread

Recipe for Banana Bread

Hi everyone! Here is a foolproof recipe for the best banana bread you’ll ever have! It’s really easy to make and is a delicacy which everyone can enjoy. Don’t worry, it doesn’t taste completely like bananas! I’ve been making this for the past 2 years and everyone in my house loved it ( including my grandfather who is NOT a fan of desserts) Do try it out!You’ll probably find all these ingredients in your pantry but if not then go make a quick visit to your nearest grocery store! ½ cup butter, melted ½ cup white sugar½ cup brown sugar2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt1 tsp cinnamon ½ cup sour cream ½ cup chopped walnuts 2 medium bananas mashedP.S you can add chocolate on top. In a large bowl, stir together the melted...
Ralf Rangnick: The perfect solution to the catastrophic structure of Manchester United

Ralf Rangnick: The perfect solution to the catastrophic structure of Manchester United

Since the retirement of Sir Alex Ferguson in 2013,Manchester United have tried vainly to copy the astonishing Scot's direction for fulfillment. It had been a direction that yielded 13 Premier League titles, five FA Cups and two Champions Leagues, including the most important unmatched English treble in 1999. However, Ferguson's successor at United, David Moyes wasn't upto the quality. Neither were coaches of the pedigree of Louis van Gal or Jose Mourinho, not to mention the underqualified Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. however not solely as a result of their own individual shortcomings; more importantly because Manchester United were stuck in the past. Elite fashionable soccer&n...
K-Entertainment, K-Global


“Religion is the opium of the masses”, the words of Karl Marx can often be heard from those on the pulpit in their vehement speeches against the communist narrative. The Marxist critique of religion is not only an abstract philosophical conception but is deeply rooted in our religious convictions. Religious narrative across the globe is based around a cleansing from materialistic greed and focuses on spiritual fulfilment, while discouraging rampant materialism to fulfill carnal human desires. This tendency to neglect the worldly realm as inherently inferior and regarding any desire of gaining worldly prestige, wealth and power as an ultimate fallacy is common among major religions. This spiritual bliss seemingly appears to be a worthwhile alternative to mindless pursuit of money but the i...